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  • charlessylvester07

Six Ways To Win Back Your Post-Pandemic Customers

Updated: May 21, 2020

I am a big fan of sizing up a situation and then dealing with what is. We can’t unscramble these eggs. So, what do we do with them?

1. Take a deep breath and get quiet. Give yourself time to think. It’s easy to panic in these situations and there has been a lot of that.

2. Get busy making it easy for them to come back to you. Don’t muddy the already muddy waters. Reach out. Tell them how much you love them and how you and your team have missed them.

3. Send out Your Safety “Playbook.” In it, outline the measures you are taking to keep them safe when they return to you.

4. Be The Ambassador of Encouragement. Kindness and good deeds are more important now than ever. There’s a lot of discouragement out there.

5. Organize Zoom Calls With Your Top Customers or organize a conference call. Keep the agenda friendly and caring. You are simply dropping in to say hello and stay in touch. People are lonely. Do your part.

6. Gather new customer insights. Get busy gathering customer insights and find out what your customers need from you now. Times have changed. Huddle with your team and compare notes.

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